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Happy Endings

Safe Haven

Safe Haven - Nicholas Sparks Possible spoilers... I enjoyed Safe Haven. This is the first Nicolas Sparks novel I can remember reading....granted I listened to this on audiobook. I enjoyed the suspense of Katie's flight...will he find her...scratch that...you know he will find her...but how will he find her. My heart broke for her during the flashbacks to her life with Kevin...no woman should have to endure that...but sadly, many do. And the heart break surrounding Carly's death was equally sad. Jo was one of my favorite characters, coincidentally enough and I spent most of the novel afraid that she was going to betray Katie and alert Kevin of her whereabouts. The mystery around Jo and how she was always out of town aroused this fear. It wasn't until more than half way through that I was comfortable that this would not happen. And in the end, I liked Jo even more and my heart went out to her.